Authors – Mac/Mc

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Riley McAllister

Annick MacAskill
Originally from London, Ontario, Annick MacAskill currently lives and writes in Halifax. Her poems have appeared in Prism, Versal, Room, The Fiddlehead, Arc, and other journals. Her writing has been longlisted for the CBC’s Canada Writes Poetry Prize and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has a début collection forthcoming in the spring of 2018, from Gaspereau Press.

Angus MacCaull

Benjamin MacDonald

Cassie MacDonald

Hughie MacDonald

Jordan MacDonald

Kevin McDonald

Michelle G. McDowall

Craig MacEachern

David MacEachern

I am a writer who has spent about 15 years helping many people deal with depression. I use the library for theory and the city as a classroom. Philosophy and psychology are my interests. Still one to speak with concern and encouragement to others. Hoping my writing can bring inspiration to anyone who reads it.

T. J. MacFarlane

Mike McFetridge

Alexander J. MacIsaac (also published as Henry Stevens)

 Alan McIver

Marissa McKean

Born and raised in Atlantic Canada, Marissa spent most of her childhood with the ocean in her backyard. Thanks to this, much of what she writes is inspired by the sea in one way or another. As a neurodivergent writer, she often taps into her lived experiences with trauma, social isolation, and being very misunderstood as a child, but in a twist, she also tries to empower her readers and help them recognize their own ability to heal. Marissa currently lives in the Musquodoboit Valley with her husband, two daughters, and three cats.

Brittany Mackeen

Catherine A. MacKenzie

Cathy’s writings (poetry and short fiction) can be found in numerous print anthologies and other publications, as well as online publications. She writes all genres but invariably veers toward the dark—so much so her late mother once asked, “Can’t you write anything happy?” (She can!)

She published her first novel, Wolves Don’t Knock, in 2018 and Mister Wolfe (the darkly dark second) in 2020.

Cathy divides her time between West Porters Lake and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.



John MacKenzie

Madison Mackenzie

I work in Social Work in HRM, and have always been passionate about helping vulnerable populations within the community. Poetry has been a deep outlet for many years, always learning as I go. There are 3 inspirations that have always been the guiding force behind my poetry: my heart, my head, and the sky. 

Shallon MacKenzie

David R. MacLean

John Wise McLeod

Dylan MacMaster

Don Macmillan

Born in Scotland, I emigrated to Canada in the 1970s. I am now retired, after a lengthy career with Alcan Aluminium Ltd, and prior to that with British Aluminium in the U.K.  During the summer, my wife and I live in beautiful Lac Brome, Quebec, but escape to Florida during the winter. We have two children, who live and work in Montreal.

My wife and I regularly spend a couple of weeks in the fall vacationing in the Maritimes, particularly Nova Scotia with its many Scottish connections and of course visiting my brother-in-law, Richard Payne, in Halifax.

For many years, I have dabbled in poetry writing, mainly to mark special family occasions, but since Richard became involved in the activities of Open Heart Forgery, he has encouraged me to share some of my writings with a wider audience.

Jaclyn MacNeil

Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Jaclyn has a deep love for the ocean and being outside. She holds a BSc in Applied Human Nutrition from Mount Saint Vincent University, and plans to pursue a master’s in food policy. In her spare time, Jaclyn loves reading short stories, drinking specialty coffee, and exploring NS.

Lindsay MacNeil

Trisha MacNeil

Joe MacPherson

John MacPherson

Emily Macrae

Drew McPherson