

Contribute to OHF!

OHF welcomes contributions. We are entirely volunteer supported, and our volunteers pay our modest costs for the domain name, web site, and printing. Our biggest expense is printing our monthly issues. All contributions made here will go towards the costs of printing. Every little bit helps!

We are not officially organized as a charity or non-profit, and we do not issue any receipts. To make a contribution, click the appropriate link below. This will take you to PayPal to process the payment. You can contribute from your PayPal account or by credit card. It is not necessary to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card.

You can also contribute by email transfer. Please request the email address for transfers using the contact form on the home page.

Contribute $2

Contribute $5

Contribute $10

Contribute $20

Contribute $50

Contribute $100

Thank you for your support!

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