Authors – M

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Robert Mader

Harry Wayne Mah

Atharv Mahajan


Courtney Madore

Sylvia Mangalam

Luke Marciano

Anna Marenick

The last time Anna had a poem published was when she was in Grade 8 – which was definitely not yesterday!  Her parents were both schoolteachers, so her love of reading and writing was nurtured early, and the passion for writing and reading is still ever present in her life. With degrees from StFX and Saint Mary’s, Anna spends her days as the Director of People and Strategy at Develop NS – a provincial crown corporation that helps to make Nova Scotia irresistible to people and investment.  She sits on several local boards, speaks at conferences as often as she can, and tries hard to be an authentic, vulnerable leader. 

When not working, you’ll find her with her family in Dartmouth; but in summers, you’ll find her on Ponhook Lake in Queen’s County, which has the best sunsets in the world.

Jane Marshall

Mikayla Marshall

Alicia Martin

J. P. Martin

Randy Martin

Edward Martins-Berki

Ian James Matheson

R. Matthews

Nina Mazel

K.A. Meechan

Carmel Mikol

Rachel Miller

I am a mental health nurse and blogger on The Collective Mind (, where I explore how to create more positive life experiences through changing how we think. In the times when my writing results in spontaneous outbursts of rhyme, I write poetry.

Georgia Mills

P.  Minutiae

Sara Moginot

Raised in an old coast guard station in Massachusetts, Sara spent most of her youth reading or clambering along the coastline. Her family spent their summers along the Kennebecasis River in New Brunswick for generations where she met her Canadian husband and started their family. She raised 5 children spending lots of time exploring the outdoors, reading out loud, making up stories, and creating little readers for them. She now lives in Dartmouth, works in public service and is studying psychology and writing at MSVU. She squeezes in time to write for pleasure as the eyes droop.

Heidi Monk


Sarah Moore

Jillian Moran

Whitney Moran

Laureli Morphy

Laureli Morphy lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She enjoys writing in her free time, especially free verse poetry.

Lionel Morrell


Lorie Ann Morris

(also published as Lorie Morris)

I am in my 40s, married and am now a grandmother, and I live in the community of Spryfield. I love to write poems, and I love animals. My favorite color is purple, and I love learning about history like WW1 and WW2

Roz Morris

Roz Morris is a self described queero weirdo who desperately wants to eat birthday cake with Sylvia Plath.

Tiffany Morris

Hugh Morrison

B Mosher

Ben Mosher is an artist based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mosher is Informed by interests in digital and mechanical modes of communication, with an appreciation for written and visual forms of everyday poetic language. These concerns have directed works in micro-communication systems coupled with intuitive and meditative processes of creation.

Pamela Mosher

John de Moss

Susan Moxon

Ms. Anonymous

Martha Muggah

Heather Mundell

Heather Murray

Zoe Murgatroyd

Matthew Murphy

Matthew is a poet from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He writes mostly about love and nature, though always ready to tangle with an intriguing prompt. You can find his work on his Instagram @AllThatIveThought.

Ayesha Mushtaq

Martha Mutale

Elizabeth Myers

Nicole Myers

Writer, humanist, professional daydreamer and music lover.  Everything else just pays the bills. Visit: for further musings.

Jack Myra

Shawn Myra