Authors – L


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Patrick Laba

Nadia LaCroix

Shaun Lafferty

Breton Lalama

C. A. Lamond

Olivia Landry

Olivia Landry lives in Halifax, and hopes to be a teacher and a writer. She holds a BA in Women’s and Gender Studies, and an MA in Gender Studies. She adores her family, friends, and partner, and is so thankful that they enjoy reading her poems and stories.

Maureen Larkin

Ziad Lawen

Allison Lawlor

Allison Lawlor writes and lives with her family by the ocean in Prospect. She spends as much time outdoors as she can.

Logan Lawrence

Logan is a lover of learning, language, and (a)lliterations. Chris is a Pseudonym is the first “fun” thing he’s ever published. He is originally from rural Alberta, but would much rather live here (sorry Dad!)

Ben LeBlanc

Valerie Leblanc

Michael LeClair Sr.

Middle-aged proud Grand-Father, grew up in South Woodside, Dartmouth. My interests are reading, writing, history, social awareness, music, guitar and I occasionally dabble in painting/drawing. I am a happily married man, three children and SIX grandchildren with a seventh on the way! I enjoy classic films, music of all genres (literally from Rap to Bach). I have an endless curiosity regarding physics, psychics, and anything science. I’ve been writing as a hobby since I was a child. I tend toward the eclectic, the eccentric and most everything between the two.

Fave quotes :

“Do you not see how a world of pain and sorrow is necessary to school an intelligence and make it a soul?” – John Keats

“People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion .” – Albert Einstein

Richard LeDue

Richard LeDue was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. He currently lives and teaches in Norway House, Manitoba. His poetry has appeared in numerous journals, such as Adelaide Literary Magazine, the Eunoia Review, Mojave He[art] Review, Little Rose Magazine, and Black Bough Poetry.

Bronwyn Lee

Elle Lee

Pronouns: they/them. I’m a young poet who’s been writing on and off for the past 10 years. I mainly deal in Spoken Word, but range into various types of poems and writing styles, whatever seems to fit what I’m feeling at the time. I was born in BC, have lived in NB, and moved to Halifax 6 years ago. I suffer from BPD, ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression. I identify as a Non-Binary Pansexual. With that in mind, my poems deal in some heavy themes of mental illness, and what it’s like to be a LGBTQA+ person raised to be straight. I have no formal training on Poetry or writing, but hopefully I can still inspire. Lastly, please understand that while my Poems can be strongly worded, just know that I use writing as an outlet, and have sought out help. I just write when I have something on my mind, and it is my pure raw emotion attached, I don’t edit my words once they’re written, I just check for spelling mistakes. I hope I can create something worth your time. Thanks for reading

Jung-Hee Lee

Robert Lee

Rosemary LeFresne

Caitlin Leonard

Janelle Levesque

Erica Lewis

Erica has lived in Halifax since the age of 10. Her poetry has appeared in Polar Expressions’ yearly anthologies since 2010. In 2014 and 2015, her poems received Honourable Mention.

Lara Lewis

Michele L’Heureux

Laureen van Lierop

Don Logan

Guohua Li

Guohua Li is an epidemiologist by training and a poet by birth. He received his medical degree from Peking University and public health degree from Johns Hopkins University. Since 2007, he has been the M. Finster Professor of Epidemiology and Anesthesiology at Columbia University. A recipient of the Kenneth Rothman Epidemiology Prize and the Guggenheim Fellowship, Dr. Li is the founding Director of the Columbia Center for Injury Science and Prevention and the founding Editor-in-Chief of Injury Epidemiology. He writes poems in both Chinese and English. To cope with stress and anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Li translated over two hundred American poems in the public domain into Chinese. The compilation of these translated poems will be published by Tongji University Press (Shanghai) in a forthcoming book titled 永恒的美丽 (Beauty That Is Never Old).

Joanne Light

Travis Livingston

Travis Livingston is a writer living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born in South Africa, he lived in England before moving to Canada in 2004 and has lived here ever since.

Brian Lomax

  • Published author: We The Faceless Artists Winnipeg, Manitoba 1976
  • Producer/director for Dutch Mason, “Prime minister of the Blues”
  • Sold to the National Library-Ottawa + 60 page Q & A interview
  • Publisher: Crossroads Magazine, 1988-1991. Interviewed Stevie Ray Vaughn, Gordon Lightfoot, John Lee Hooker, Philip Glass, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, John Hammond Jr. etc.

Barbara Lounder

Barbara has a background in the visual arts. For over 15 years, her interdisciplinary projects have centred on walking as a method for research and creative thought, and as a form of artmaking itself. These projects have often been collaborations, situated in public spaces, and involving participation. Historical context plays an important role in her work, with research and writing being vital to the creative process at various stages. Barbara was a Writer in Residence at Jampolis Cottage in 2023 (sponsored by the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia), and has been reading excerpts from her current project, Corona Walker, at Dartspeak in downtown Dartmouth.

Lunchbox Lunatic


Liz van Rossum is a writer, poet and artist currently residing in Kjipuktuk (Halifax). Using the power of words, Liz creates poems which reflect inner struggles as a form of emotional expression. Liz is an aspiring author, and has been so since a very young age, hoping to resonate with other sensitive, soft soul individuals. 

Scott Lynch

Lives on Lake Thomas in Waverley. Has lived, studied (Acadia), and worked in Nova Scotia all his life. Has had the good fortune to travel. Passions include poetry, cooking, photography and sport. Raising three sons, and a number of Rotary Exchange Students, with his wife Patty has been his labour and love.