Authors – B


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Eitan Baida

Chloe Bailey

Chloe is a young creative currently residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. When she’s not working as a barista, she enjoys writing poetry and short stories. She hopes her writing reaches you, and that you enjoy reading it as much as she enjoys writing it.

Neil Bailey

Meg Baird

Meg Baird is a born and raised Nova Scotia girl who now lives with family in Calgary, Alberta.

Rohini Bannerjee

Dr. Rohini Bannerjee (she.her.elle) is the daughter of immigrant Settlers from Himachal Pradesh, India, and was born and raised on unceded Mi’kmaki territory, on the Dartmouth side of the great harbour of Kjipuktuk. Rohini is a Full Professor of French in the Department of Languages and Cultures at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax. Her primary research focuses on the literatures and cultures of the Francophone Indian Ocean. Rohini’s short stories and poetry, written in both French and in English, have appeared in India, Spain and Canada.

Tim Barker

Irene Baros-Johnson

Sandra Barry

Russell Barton

Nicole Basso

Nicole is a student studying psychology and French. She strives to combine her interest in poetry with her studies by writing about her personal experiences with mental illness, as well as by writing in both English and French. As an autistic creative, she aims to challenge stereotypes of what it means to be autistic. Nicole can often be found in the Library with an extra-large coffee (or two) from Timmie’s.

Adam C. Bateman

Leslie Anne Bateman

Nelly Bateman

Joyce Baxter

Roxanne Beavers

Sean Bedell

Isa Bee

Meredith (Ma) Bell

Ed Belzer

Chris Benjamin

Koi Bennett-Taussig

Bobbi Beuree

Aditya Bhadra

Nola Bishop

Kathryn Bjornson

Elise Blacker

Stephen Blacker

Jenni Blackmore

Lori Boivin

Melissa Boland

Melissa was transplanted to Nova Scotia in 2006. Born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, Melissa has been a community social worker in greater Halifax since leaving the Picture Province. In her spare time, she writes poetry inspired by spirituality, life’s conundrums, and nature.

G. Lucky Bolger

Matt Bonn

Sam Boomer

George Borden

Hannah van den Bosch

Daniel Boucher

Art Bouman

Claudette Bouman

Taylor Bourassa

Holly-Lynn Bourgeois

Charlene Boyce

Charlene is a master procrastinator, a wielder of wild words, and a cat cohabitator with a nasty tendency to sing along with the radio.

Natalie Boyce

Natalie Boyce has an unstoppable passion for writing, and a burning love for all animals big and small. She will continue writing poems and stories for people of all ages to enjoy.

Rosemary Boyle

Earl Bradford

Charlie Brake

Russ Brennan

Morgan Brimacombe

Morgan Brimacombe (she/her) is a queer painter, maker, and writer. She is a white-settler woman born in Nanaimo, BC, the unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw, and is currently living, learning, and writing in K’jipuktuk (Halifax, NS) while finishing up her Master of Environmental Studies. Open Heart Forgery is her first place of publication. However, she just finished a draft of a poetry collection (and dreams of seeing it in a local bookstore soon!)

Mitchell Brinton

Rick Brison

Lois Brison-Brown

Valerie Broadnax

Devin Brown

Dorothyanne Brown

Dorothyanne used to live on the Dark Side but has relocated to Kingston, Ontario, where she gazes at Lake Ontario and pretends it is the sea. She writes poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, and her alternative history book, Recycled Virgin, is available on Amazon: and other retailers.

Follow her webpage at for musings, writing information, and news about her upcoming books.

LeeAnn Wallage Brown

Paul Brown

Phil Brown

Phil is British but moved to Nova Scotia in 2017 after escaping from a career in global insurance. After setting up home in Hammonds Plains, he is pursuing his love of poetry and street and portrait photography. He is also learning to play the piano, still dreams of forming an Indie Band, but unfortunately remains convinced he is tone deaf. Phil’s many influences include the poetry of Ted Hughes (Remains of Elmet), the photographers Deborah Turbeville and Horst P Horst, and the music of P J Harvey and Wolf Alice.

Tyler Brown

Janet Brush

Janet was born in Halifax, and spent most of her life here. After a career in accounting, a choice necessitated by the need to eat, she is now free to pursue her love of poetry, and for the last three years, to study English Literature at Dalhousie.

Morgan Buhr Boutilier

Charles Bull

Jonathan Burchill

Mo Burchill

George Burden

Sheila Burke

Kirstie Burns

Laurie Burns

Laurie Burns is an English as additional language teacher to immigrants, literacy volunteer and voracious writer and reader living in Halifax.

Alex Buys

Jeff Byrnes