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Daniella D’Castro

I was born in India, and I moved here when I was four years old. I love ice cream, cake and carrots. My favourite subjects are art, reading and French. In my free time, I like drawing, singing, playing guitar and cello, singing Taylor Swift’s songs, and writing stories and poems, and I love reading fantasy and mystery books. My favourite books are Harry Potter and Land of Stories. I am a member of the Voices of Thrive, a unique show choir for girls, and I am also a member of Girl Guides Canada, and I am a huge Swifty (Taylor Swift fan).

Ryan Daly

Kate Dani

M. de Lacey Davidson

Matthew de Lacey Davidson is the author of two poetry collections; a play in verse; a collection of short stories entitled Roses in December: Haunting and Macabre Tales; a historical novel about civil rights leader Frederick Douglass’ first trip to Ireland, Precept;, a mystery novel set in the Maritimes, The Worst Dogs; and an anthology entitled, A Barren Stage: Collected Poems, Essays, Short Stories, and Novels. Precept was voted one of the top ten self-published books of 2018 by

He has had poems, articles, cartoons, and short stories published in the online literary journals: “The Junction,” “Pickle Fork,” and “The Writing Cooperative” on the website and in the online journal Danse Macabre. He lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, with his wife, Shayna, and a plethora of Siamese and Tonkinese cats. More:

Donna Davies

Roger Davies

Haley Dawne

Haley Dawne is working on her MSc in oceanography and loves writing poetry in her spare time. She has a BSc in Environmental Science and is studying carbon cycling in Arctic marine sediments. Her favourite poetry themes are curiosity and reflection and she often likes combining both the scientific and creative thought processes. Many of her poems were actually inspired while collecting samples in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Her other hobbies include riding a motorcycle and playing the guitar, and she loves to travel when she can afford it. She hopes to become an oceanographer and a poet. Follow her Instagram account for more of her poems: @haleydawnepoetry.

Joan Dawson

Robert Dawson

Dave Dean

Em Dee

Mandy DeGeit

Laura De Palma

Victoria Desjardins

Burris Devanney

Burris has enjoyed a full career as a high school teacher and principal in Halifax, where he was born and grew up, but he also found opportunities to work in education and development over many years in seven African countries. He is the author of two memoirs, African Chronicles, narrating his and his wife Louanne’s experiences in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Nigeria during turbulent times in the 1960s, and The Gambia Saga, which details their work and their family’s life experience in The Gambia and Sierra Leone over a span of nearly 30 years commencing in 1982. Burris is also the editor and principal author of Always a Work in Progress, which outlines the evolution of social democratic policy within the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party since its founding more than half a century ago. He also wrote, co-edited and co-published a full-length film, The Gambia Project, which won an Award of Excellence at the 1987 Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax. He is working on a series of poems on Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Jennifer Deyarmond

Owen Diamond

Zoe Dickinson

John Dicks

Arlene Diepenbrock

Rebecca Dingwell

Rebecca Dingwell is a freelance writer and editor based in Halifax. When she isn’t working, you can sometimes find Rebecca trying to stay upright on either roller skates or horseback. More likely, though, she is curled up with a book and a cup of tea (or a pint of beer).

Sarah Dobson

Brian Conroy Dockal

Ryan Dodge

Ella Dodson

Osmund Donnelly

Brad Donaldson

Zoe Doucette

Daniel Dover

Brian Downey

Kerri Dwen

David Du

Writing poems is my hobby. Before I came to Canada, I wrote Chinese and Japanese poetry. When I arrived in Halifax, I started writing English poems, and I have written over 100. Perhaps you wonder why I like writing English poems. A story that happened in Halifax caused me think about writing English poems.

One day when I finished my shift, on way home, I saw a lot of people gathering at a bus stop. I heard noise come from there, so I forced my way into the crowd. I saw two birds: one is dead, and the other one is crying and pecking at its partner. When I saw this scenario there was one word in my mind—Life! As well, as I thought of a poem that I read it before, The Vantage Point, by Robert Frost. I remembered the last sentence of Frost’s: “I look into the crater of the ant.”

How it is similar to the life between human and animal!

At that time I decided to write English poems. I felt I needed to use some way to express compassion in Canada. I wrote my poem: ”Life.” Now I am very happy that I can write some English poetry to express the life and enjoy my life in Canada.

I have published a book of poetry: Journey: Life is a Journey from A to Z

Patrick Dubé

Joffre Ducharme

Piper Duquette

Maria Duynisveld