Authors – S


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Christina Schlegel

Robert John Schwarzmann

Robert John Schwarzmann was a Dartmouth author and poet. He grew up in
Ottawa and worked in journalism, then spent years teaching English as
a Second Language in many countries. His book of eight short
stories, Tales from the Darkside, was released October 2019.

Greg Scott

Matthew P. Scott

Zoe Scott

Born and raised in Middle Sackville N.S, Zoe fell in love with words at an early age. Throughout the years her passion for poetry has mixed with her musicality to transform into song writing. She holds both a Bachelor of English from Saint Mary’s University, and a Bachelor of Education from Mount Saint Vincent University. As a school teacher, Zoe loves exposing her students to various forms of poetry and being inspired by the beautiful creativity that explodes from their fingertips. In addition to writing, Zoe also has a passion for yoga, spirituality, dance, and community theatre.

Simone Sewell

Anika Sharma

Ashita Sharma

Daniel Simpkin

Sarah Simpson

Edwin Sim

Shilpa Singh

” strolling around “

Naomi Slater

Devin Slawter

Cameron Smith

Chris Smith

Julie Smith

I am an outsider artist, world traveller, vegetarian bohemian. I will gladly smile at strangers, especially if they are animals. Looking for a place to paint again and until then I sketch and write and listen to as much music as my ears will allow. 🙂

Cheryl Sobie

Bernard Soubry

Molly Jean Spinney

Ali Squire

R. E. Stansfield

Ron Stansfield is a transplanted prairie person now living “upshore” in Port Hilford. He takes his inspiration from the open ocean which he swears looks just like the waving wheat fields back home. He writes in all genres and is currently working on a book of short stories.

Norm Sabowitz

Sara Saddington


Berendina P. Saunders

Richard Schaller

Hailey Stapleton

Sara Star

Murphy St. Claire

Henry Stevens

(also published as Alexander MacIsaac)

Luke Stevens

Luke Stevens is an aspiring young artist who is always looking to make connections! Feel free to reach out on Instagram @lugubrious_man!

Graym Stewart

Jim Stewart

Rod Stewart

Spencer Stoddard

I aspire to do my best in all aspects of my life. I don’t believe in “perfection” but I do believe in “improvement”. During my free time I enjoy going for walks, watching sports (Go Leafs), writing anything that comes to mind, and engaging in discussions regarding topics like metaphysics, astronomy, and spirituality.

Jasmin Stoffer

Jasmin Stoffer (B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed) is a local teacher and amateur poet. From 2012-2017 she was a Special Education teacher in Nunavik, Quebec – and began writing Haiku as a way of journaling daily. When she’s not writing poetry or teaching, she gardens, attends curling classes, and enjoys having adventures around town with her goddaughters, Ruby and Grace.

Bethana Sullivan

Mary Ellen Sullivan

Mary Ellen Sullivan grew up on a farm outside Guelph, Ontario, and now lives in Halifax. She is a regular contributor to Open Heart Forgery and is included in Open Heart Forgery: Year One Anthology. She has compiled five annual issues of Open Heart Farming, a free collection of farm and food-centric poems by Nova Scotia poets.

Josh Svec

Hawa Swaray