Authors – K


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Heidi Kalyani

A.B. Kamara

Audrey K

Bauke Kamstra

Bauke Kamstra is a poet and visual artist residing in Nova Scotia. His poetry has appeared in various journals including The Best of Vine Leaves 2015, Shot Glass Journal, Hedgerow Journal, Englyn Journal, and Blue Heron Journal.

His books “We All Reach the Earth by Falling” and “Passion Demands a Vocabulary of Desire” Vols. I to IV are published by Vine Leaves Press and are available in paperback and e-book on Amazon. You can see more of his Positively Wyrde work on twitter by following @wyrde, or Bauke Kamstra on Facebook.

Jobin M. Kanjirakkat

Samuel Keefe

Breanna Keeler

Charlie Keeler

Abbey Kelly

Adam Kennific

Kimm Kent

Sarah Kester

Teresa Kilbride

Teresa (she/her) is a writer and visual artist living in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her work reflects what comes to her from experiences with the divine in a blessed life. Her family – a partner and two grown daughters, all writers, as well as her gentle and mighty grandson, inspire her to create from a place of increasing wholeness and joy.

Teresa’s work appears in Lived Magazine, Open Heart Forgery and Fathom Magazine and is forthcoming in Eunoia Review (December 2022). She was shortlisted for the Rita Joe Poetry Prize (Writer’s Federation of Nova Scotia) in 2022, and she has two self-published books of poetry.

Marjorie Kildare

Marjorie lived facing Halifax Harbour, with a 180 degree view of sea, sky and sheer beauty in all seasons. Since she could barely take her eyes from the seven-foot windows, she wrote Haiku. Her book of poetry, Waltzing Time, is available for a donation to OHF.

Dale King

Kimberly M. King

Kimberly M. King is a writer, a poet, a blogger…. She has taught in the classroom, been a librarian, and done simultaneous translation of English/Spanish for international groups and meetings. Currently, she is the director of Barat Spirituality Centre in Halifax.

Suzanne Kittell

Devin Kowalski

Emily Krauss

Anna Kuznetsova

I was born outside Canada but have lived in the Maritimes for over seven years. I lived on Prince Edward Island for the first six years and am now settled in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Although most of my poetry was written in my native language, the more I live in Canada, the more I want to express my feelings in English.