August 2023


View Issue as PDF vol. 14, no. 4
ISSN 2369-6516 (Print)
ISSN 2369-6524 (Online)

Scroll down to read all poems, or select the poem title to go directly to that poem. Select the author’s name to view a short biography (if supplied) and all poems by that author.

Janet BrushBilly Collins

Tim CovellPersistence of Vision

Holly CurrieButterflies

David DuDeparture

Harry GarrisonConfession

Bill JonesTime Capsule

Valerie LeBlancHana

Scott Lynchgreensward ever so

Mikayla MarshallGreen

Riley McAllisterFear of Falling

Lorie MorrisRefugee

Nicole MyersPeccadillo

Memel PoundThings We Truly Own

Hayden RaymondLetter to Trans Suicides

Oliver RobinsonBook Store

Violet RosengartenThis Morning

Matthew VanderkwaakA Dried-Up Worm

Leah Woolleyconfectionary

Gordon YoungLiminal Space

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Haiku by Harry Garrison

Objects stick to my
sweaty forearms as I type
at my cluttered desk.

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A Dried-Up Worm

Poem by Matthew Vanderkwaak

How moist and inviting
this sidewalk seemed
before cruel Dawn with golden fingers
found you there
making your pilgrimage,
believing the night would last.
But no, you looked upon your god
face to face,
and She required an offering:
“I will take your water now,
In exchange for gazing on my beauty,”
She said, smiling and reaching down
with a rosy palm.
And you gave up your vapour there,
now crisp on the pavement,
a sign to all who wander,
midway between here and there.

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Haiku by Valerie LeBlanc

A tropical drive
Sugar cane fields help guide us
East to haiku road

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Fear of Falling

Poem by Riley McAllister

i feared when i fell for you
that you would try to climb back out
and you did
you slowly made your way to the top
while i kept falling
i hit the ground
you climbed out and ran
i laid down there
waiting for you
you still haven’t looked back
and now i’ve started climbing back up

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Persistence of Vision

Poem by Tim Covell

We have a fault in the eye or the brain,
That lets us see movement in pictures still.
All of our movies and TV attain,
Illusion of motion where there is nil.
Were it not for this fault, another way,
Would have been found, one assumes, to make shows.
Beyond the technical, what does it say?
What do we learn from the lingering glows?
Whatever the sense, we should be aware,
That all that we note, is not really there,
It’s ours alone, to note more we must share.
And something remains after sight and sound,
Smell, taste, and touch have all faded to ground,
That stays with us though it cannot be bound.

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Time Capsule

Poem by Bill Jones

Autumn hedges, cocooned verdigris
Ashy winters, cracked & gladed –
Bearded seasons ferment, misty dawn ceremony
Seeds of April sowing archived harvests

Summer stones blue branded by moonlight;
Light-years stitching blanched almanacs –
Railroad shavings – Trains clacking Sleepers over
Charred kernels of blind sparrow time

Magic sealed away with trinkets & infancy –
Dew falling as dusky hairs under kitchen clocks
Centipedal sinuous husks extricated root tendrils…
Decadent timber, hinged with mossy rinds.

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Liminal Space

Poem by Gordon Young

It devours the day
When it comes to prey.
But then It never really goes away.
It scents unconnected dots
. . . . Threads of tattered thoughts.
It hunts best between
What is real and what is seen.
It waits with me on the line of in and out
In strobing certainty and doubt,
Impatient not to linger long
Playing at right and wrong;
Gazing into the here and the gone
No light no heat; no dark no cold,
Just it and me at the threshold.
No amount of praying,
No amount of saying
Will stall
What is about to fall,
Including me
And its pyrrhic victory.
For when possession kills its host
It too becomes a ghost

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Poem by Leah Woolley

time has gone bubbly, hours sticky
on the fingers, sunsets caramelizing
into a shining horizontal mass

sizzle pop of streetlights waking, sifting
glow onto each syrup-slow minute,

snow floating through the days like
flour puffed from an open bag.

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Poem by Nicole Myers

a heart turns
like an upset stomach
when fidelity is exiled
to defend your
artificial amusement
your erratic exultations
feels like inconsiderate
a low kind of love
I watch you try to stir
fire w/ a wooden spoon
& succumb
while you burn
I weep

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greensward ever so

Poem by Scott Lynch

past lady’s slipper majesty
and purple iris too
lupines hues extinguished
allium all but through
more verdurous than imagining
verdant my world renewed
olive pea & emerald
so many greens to choose
viridescent every vista
ombre every view

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Poem by Lorie Morris

Refugees, all need our help!
Refugees, are all in a bad way.
Refugees, need to know that they
matter. Refugees, we need to show them
that Canada cares. Refugees, is
where we all were, at one time!

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Billy Collins

Clerihew by Janet Brush

Billy Collins is such a great wit
For all ages his poetry is fit
Even when Miss Dickinson he’s undressing
He’s a master of subtle finessing.

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Haiku by David Du

Backpack like a kite
Floating, a place filling with
Mystery and wish

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Letter to Trans Suicides

Poem by Hayden Raymond

in my dreams you wake up
to feed the cats, the dogs, or the fish
  there’s a coffee made,
  perhaps by a mother,
  though probably not considering you left her only a note,
  she may not have even kept it.
in my dreams you wake up in the morning
and smile at the mirror.
  there’s a coffee made,
  a lover or a friend in the kitchen
  smiling gold through gaps in their teeth,
  extra maple syrup poured all over pancakes.
in my dreams you don’t need to call the gay bar
and listen to laughter and cheers
  over the bartender’s confused “hello?
  hello, is there anybody there?”
  is there anybody there?
  is there anybody left?
is all that’s left people who want
the same thing you accomplished?

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Poem by Holly Currie

My stomach gets butterflies when you walk into the room
Making my heart beat faster,
My eyes wander in your direction.
You made me feel special for a short period of time,
Telling me I’m beautiful when I didn’t believe it.
You made me happy,
And I’ll always be thankful for that.

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Poem by Mikayla Marshall

I envy those who knew you when.
The ones who know how your story begins.
Deep conversations and real thoughts.
Late night opinions in your favorite spots.
Memories made; mistakes forgotten.
All the friends who saw you often.

The ones who played a part.

Isn’t it silly?

To wish I knew you from the very start.

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Book Store

Poem by Oliver Robinson

Prisms lined with paper-backed books,
shopping for ideas like stopping for
milk, eggs, asparagus, decaf tea and coffee,
you are what you eat you become what you read.

Some books simply tickle like ripples,
as harmless and rousing and fleeting as rain,
while some books, beware,
they short-circuit your brain,
and stick to transmitters
like well-intentioned babysitters
that guide gentle minds
towards hopes and schemes
until home comes the real authorities.

Walk slow,
through the rows,
those quiet, bookshop steps,
heel to toe.
And choose wisely, but be wary
not to wake
a sleeping dream.

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Things We Truly Own

Poem by Memel Pound

Think of the things we
There are only a few that
The brain in your brain
The feet in your wool socks,
Your skin, your blood and
All of the things we call
Things we collect and can’t
Our games and our toys
That we think bring us
Will get left on a shelf full
All of the bobbles and gewgaws
All we thought priceless
Will pile up in piles
And after a while
Could fill up a ship and
No, it’s only ourselves
And only our loved ones
Our family and friends
Will be there to the end,
So start loving you and

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This Morning

Poem by Violet Rosengarten

The intermittent foghorn
The rhythmic music on
This morning,

And I imagine the fog,
Like whirling, unfurling
Upon the water.

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One thought on “August 2023

  1. Hi there 👋 I did not know I was going to be in the Open Forgery.! Thanks for putting my poem in for August 😊😄

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